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PENSA Cape Coast Sector Holds “Let the Bible Speak Conference”

On March 23rd, 2024, the Adisadel College Centenary Auditorium played host to the eagerly anticipated “Let the Bible Speak Conference,” organized by the PENSA Cape Coast Sector. With a record attendance of 1410 participants, the event promised a day of enlightenment and spiritual empowerment.

The opening session, led by Apostle Anthony Mensah, the Resident Minister of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC) Atomic, delved into the profound topic of Divine Healing.

With fervor and clarity, Apostle Mensah elucidated the belief of The Church of Pentecost in the healing power inherent in the atoning works of Christ.

He emphasized the scriptural foundation of divine healing, asserting that anything outside the realm of scripture lacks divine authenticity.

Drawing from both Old and New Testament perspectives, Apostle Mensah highlighted the biblical precedent for divine healing, citing examples from the lives of notable figures such as Sarah, Manoah’s wife, and Hannah.

He elucidated the requirements for healing in the Old Testament, stressing obedience to God’s covenant, adherence to His commandments, and walking in godly fear and humility.

Transitioning to the New Testament, Apostle Mensah underscored Jesus’ ministry of preaching, teaching, and healing. He recounted instances where individuals demonstrated unwavering faith in seeking healing from Jesus, illustrating the profound connection between faith and divine intervention.

The conference’s second session, led by Mrs. Mary Nana Aba Mensah, focused on the sacred institution of Marriage and Family Life.

Grounding her discourse in scriptural passages from Genesis, Matthew, and Ephesians, Mrs. Mensah stressed on the divine purpose of marriage as a union ordained by God for companionship, intimacy, and mutual support.

Addressing the audience, Mrs. Mensah offered practical insights into navigating pre-marital relationships, advocating for patience and discernment in selecting a life partner.

She recalled the importance of chastity before marriage, citing self-control as essential in honoring God’s design for sexual purity.

The final session, led by Pastor Frank Akonnor, delved into the timeless significance of the Bible as the infallible word of God.

Pastor Akonnor reaffirmed the Bible’s authority, infallibility, and inerrancy, stressing its indispensable role as a guide for Christian living.

Concluding the conference with a powerful prayer and impartation session, Apostle Anthony Mensah equipped participants with spiritual tools for their journey ahead.

The “Let the Bible Speak Conference” left attendees inspired, informed, and spiritually enriched, ready to embark on their respective paths with renewed faith and conviction.

Report by PENSA Cape Coast Sector Editorial Board

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